There is little time!
In less than 30 seconds a small flame can get completely out of control and turn into a major fire. It only takes minutes for the thick black smoke to fill a house. In minutes, a house can be engulfed in flames. If you wake up to a fire, you won't have time to grab valuables because fire spreads too quickly and the smoke is too thick. There is only time to escape. 

Fire Deaths
Alaska has experienced 11 fire-related deaths since January 2023 and 23 in 2022. Check out the State's Department of Public Safety, Fire and Life Safety page for more information 

NSVFD Fire Prevention Programs

Home Safety Check: North Star Volunteer Fire Department checks your home for fire safety and installs smoke alarms, carbon monoxide detectors, and street-side reflective address signs for free.  Call to make an appointment. (907) 488-3400.

Chimney Brush Borrow Program: 
Chimney brushes are made available on a first come, first serve basis to borrow our chimney brushes to sweep your chimneys and prevent fires.  The chimney borrow program is free but the brushes must be returned. 

Alaska State Fire Prevention Contacts

Alaska State Fire Marshal/ Director Lloyd Nakano 907-269-5491

Fire Facts

North Star VFD Contacts

Fire prevention: Lieutenant William Wright 907-488-3400